There are different gifts but the same Spirit;
there are different ministries but the same Lord;
there are different works but the same God
who accomplishes all of them in everyone.
To each person the manifestation of the
Spirit is given for the common good.
1 Corinthians 12:4-7
Many of the important liturgical functions of our celebrations are delegated to the laity, who are drawn from the community, trained by the parish, and entrusted with the sincere devotion and decorum expected of them by God's people. Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Altar servers, Ministers of Hospitality [Ushers and Greeters] and Music Ministers all exercise a genuine liturgical function and are an integral part of our celebrations.
Lay ministers foster the mission of Christ that flows from baptism and put their gifts at the disposal of the community for the common good and in response to specific needs.
Saint Francis Borgia is blessed to have many dedicated, competent men, women, and children, who generously share the gifts entrusted to them by the Holy Spirit to serve the People of God.
When people with particular qualities are matched with the liturgical roles that call for those qualities, the liturgy can speak powerfully to us, moving us to prayer.
The Liturgy Commission oversees the planning and coordinating of all the various ministries involved in our parish worship.
If you have questions concerning the Liturgy Commission or an interest in serving in some capacity, please contact:
Father Jeff Maassen, Pastor | 636-239-6701 x 1422